A simple HTML table.
<table>...</table> - to define a table
<th> Title </th> - represents a table heading
<tr> </tr> - to define a row in a table
<td> Content </td> - to define a table cell
<td colspan="2"> spans over 2 columns </td>
<td rowspan="2"> spans over 2 rows </td>
<td rowspan="2" colspan="2"> spans over 2 rows and columns </td>
Attributes to make a table cell or table header take over multiple columns or rows in a table.
<th>Heading 1</th>
<th>Heading 2</th>
<th>Row Title</th>
<td>Row Info</td>
<th>Row Title</th>
<td>Row Info</td>
<th>Footer Title</th>
<td>Footer Info</td>
<thead> - defines a header section of columns of a table
<tbody> - defines the body section of a table
<tfoot> - defines the footer section for a table
<col span="2" class="group1">
<col span="2" class="group2">
To define a group of columns in a table. Useful for specifying and styling.