Accessibility means making your site accessible to everybody. Mainly for people that need assistance when accessing your content, using different tech to assist with touch, hearing, and seeing impairments.

Accessibility Principles:
P - Perceivable // To show and describe web content
Text alternatives, Captions and transcripts, Semantic HTML,
Mobile and Desktop, Sufficient color contrast, Legible at 200% zoom 
Avoid autostarting audio or video, 
Responsive body copy (changeable text size) 

O - Operable // Able to operate web content
Keyboard navigation, Focus indicators, Sufficient time, 
Disable distracting content, Avoiding flashing animations, 
Help users navigate, Descriptive Page (<>title<>),
Make Link's Purpose Clear, Semantic Heading Structure, 
Provide alternatives to complex functionality, larger target sizes

U - Understandable // to be able to understand web content
Set HTML langauge attriubte, using simple langauge, 
create predictable navigation, no unexpected changes in context,
make errors easy to spot and correct 

R - Robust // can be interpreted by a wide variety of users
Write valid HTML, use Semantics, Changes in content status 

P.O.U.R. used to break the guidelines in different topics.

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