<a href="url" target="_self">Link Text</a>
An HTML link is displayed differently. Been visited, is unvisited, or is active. In CSS:
a:link - styling for an unvisited link
a:visited - styling for a visited link
a:hover - styling for when a link is hovered
a:active - styling for when a link is being clicked on
To link to other sources.
<a href="mailto:example@gmail.com"> Send Email </a>
<a href="tel:123-456-6789"> Call Phone Number </a>
<a href="callto:+91123-456-7890"> Contact on Skype </a>
<a href="SMS:+91123-456-7890"> Send SMS </a>
<a href="fax:+91123-456-7890"> Send Fax </a>
Send emails or call phone numbers using links.
target="_self" - default | opens in same window
target="_blank" - open in new tab
target="_parent" - opens in parent frame
target="_top" - opens in full body of the window
target="framename" - opens in a named Iframe
To set where links should be displayed.
<a href="link.com" target="_blank">
Anything goes here
Can make anything into a workable link.
<a href="#1">Section 1</a>
<a href="#2">Section 2</a>
<h2 id="1">Section 1</h2>
<h2 id="2">Section 2</h2>
Jump to a specific section of a webpage. Can use any element. Match id attributes with href ones prepended with a #.