Accessing Elements:
document.forms[0][name]; // returns a HTMLCollection, access forms using index or name attribute, and then access its inputs; // any element used in forms is available inside form.elements, can use name, id, or index 

document.getElementById('inputId'); // access a form input by id
document.getElementByName('name'); // access multiple inputs using the same name attribute 

Accessing Data:
input.value; // returns a string, representing selected value or user input
input.checked; // returns a boolean, if checked or not  

Some ways to access forms using JavaScript.

checkValidity(); // returns true if an input contains valid data. 
setCustomValidity(); // sets the validationMessage property of an input element 

Helps make validating forms easier.

focus // to "focus" on an element
input.onfocus = function(){ // remove error message if user wants to input something } 

blur // when an element loses focus 
input.onblur = function(){ // validate, show error message if failed } 

elem.focus() // method used to set focus 
elem.blur() // method used to unset focus 

Use focus and blur events with javascript forms to add validation and other functionality.

onchange // when user has modified element's value 
oninput // same as change but on each altercation 

These events work whenever a user has changed a value to be submitted.

const formElement = document.getElementById('formId');
formElement.addEventListener('submit', (event) => {
  event.preventDefault(); // Prevents the default form submission

  // Perform form validation or processing

  // Access form input values
  const inputValue = inputElement.value;
  // ...

  // Reset form

A way to handle forms, using submit event as a way to validate before sending it to a server.