CSS Selectors
h1 {} - select a certain element
#id {} - select an id
.class {} - select classes
* {} - universal selector (select all elements)
h2, p {} - use comma to select multiple elements
CSS Combinators
div p {} - descendant select, select an element within an element
div > p {} - child selector, selects all p elements that are children of div
div + p {} - adjacent sibling, selects an element directly after that element
div ~ p {} - general sibling, selects all elements that are next siblings
CSS Attribute Selectors
[attribute name] - to select elements with a certain attribute, a[target]
[attribute="value"] - to select elements with a certain attribute and value, a[target="_blank"]
[attribute~="value"] - to select elements with an attribute value with a certain value
[attribute^="value"] - whose value starts with a specified value
[attribute$="value"] - who value ends with a specified value
[attribute*="value"] - who value contains a specified value
To select a certain element or elements to be styled using CSS.
<link href="example.css" rel="stylesheet" /> - added inside head element link to external source
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" media="screen and (max-width: 600px)" /> - optional media query
<div style="color: white"> White Text </div> - style attribute
display: block; - style information element added inside the head element
Different ways to add CSS to HTML.
These Achor Pseudo Classes Must Be In Order for them to Work
a:link {styling} - unvisited link
a:visited {styling} - visited link
a:hover {styling} - mouse over link
a:active {styling} - selected link, clicked
a.highlight:hover {styling} - pseudo-classes can be combined with classes
More Pseudo Classes
:checked - input:checked - selects every checked input element
:disabled - input:disabled - selects every disabled input element
:empty - p:empty - selects every p element that has no children
:enabled - input:enabled - selects every enabled input element
:first-child - p:first-child - selects every p element that is the first child of it’s parent
:first-of-type - p:first-of-type - selects every p element that is the first p element of its parent
:focus - input:focus - selects every input that is being focused on
:focus-within - matches if the element or any of its descendants are being focused on
:hover - a:hover, selects links that mouse is being hovered over
:in-range - input:in-range, selects every input that within a specified range
:invalid - input:invalid, selects all input with an invalid value
:lang(languge) - p:lang(it), selects every p element with lang attribute value starting with “it”
:last-child - p:last-child, selects every p element that is the last child of it’s parent
:last-of-type - p:last-of-type, selects every p element that is the last p in its container
:not(selector) - :not(p) - select every non p element
:nth-child(n) - p:nth-child(even) - selects every even numbered p child, n - can be even or odd
:nth-last-child(n) - counting from the last child
:nth-last-of-type(n) - p:nth-last-of-type(2), selects every p element that is the second of parent
:nth-of-type(n) - p:nth-of-type - selects every p that is the second p of its container
:only-of-type - p:only-of-type - selects every p that is the only p of its parent
:only-child - p:only-child - selects every p that is the only child of its parent
:optional - input:optional - selects every input that doesn’t have required attribute
:out-of-range - input:out-of-range - selects inputs with a value outside a specified range
:read-only - input:read-only - selects inputs with a readonly attribute
:read-write - input:read-write - selects inputs with no readonly attribute
:required - input:required - selects inputs with a required attribute
:root - Selects the document’s root element
:target - #news:target - select the current active #news element (Clicked URL containing that a)
:valid - select all inputs with a valid attribute
A pseudo-class is a keyword added to a selector, used to add styles to certain elements under certain conditions.
::after - p::after, insert “content” after every p element needs a content: ; property
::before - p::before, insert “content” before every p element needs content: ; property
::first-letter - p::first-letter, selects the first letter of every p element
::first-line - p::first-line, selects the first line of every p element
::marker - ::marker, selects the markers of list items
::selection - p::selection, selects the portion of an element selected by a user
::placeholder - input::placeholder, selects placeholder text of inputs
Pseudo elements lets you style a specific part of selected elements.
:root {--variable-name: red; }
element { color: var(--variable-name); }
Reusable style values to be used throughout stylesheets. Easily change these values.
@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Roboto&display=swap');
Used to import styles from other sources.